Silver Fluoride Treatment
Silver and fluoride has been used to control dental decay for centuries and is making a big come back in dentistry.
It is a liquid comprised of 40% silver fluoride and 10% stanus fluoride. The procedure is non invasive where by 2 drops of liquid are brushed onto the affected surface for 2-3mins. The Silver fluoride ions arrest the dental decay process which can eliminate the need for more invasive treatments such as fillings, crowns and potentially extractions. Other benifits to silver fluoride treatments include:
– No needles or drills required.
– Quick and easy, non invasive procedure which alleviates anxiety.
– Reduces the need for General Anesthetics.
– Can be used to desensitise teeth, particularly hypomineralised teeth.
– Stabalises the oral cavity for those with limited access to dental care and allows time to create and carry out care plans.
– Is an alternative treatment for persons with intellectual/ developmental disabilities.